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Robocraft: Preview according to the early version

How to come to the success of a beginner video game developer who has weighty ambitions, a bunch of free time and the desire to achieve the peak of world glory? If you follow the path of least resistance, then many see the recipe for success in making another clone Minecraft. Or Dota. At worst – World of Tanks;You can even without tanks, but with some kind of wundervafli. Recently, such projects, certainly blinded on Unity, with “early access of Steam” (who is lucky) or paid alpha version on the hastily made site (who is less lucky)-a dime a dozen. It is easy to notice that almost every such “indie” ends his way to glory, barely born,-the sophisticated consumer is not so easy to lure the exploitation of the freshness of ideas that have long lost the freshness.

However, if you catch a wave in time, you can have time to get a considerable crowd of fans, thanks to which you can develop the project further. Robocraft – One of the few examples of good luck caught by the tail.

Technology tree. Branching, but most of it is occupied by the same blocks, only of different levels.

I blinded him from what was

In the recently bred mm like Wot or War Thunder The main characters – tanks and planes – are becoming familiar to the smallest detail to everyone who spent even a little time on battles. After a month or two of the active game, at first glance you can identify even a model of technology that is little-known among non-specialists, to know its characteristics of the nazuok (after all, the outcome of the battle depends on this) and, if desired, to study the features of its combat use in real wars. To fight in abstract combat vehicles, behind which there is no interesting story (even invented, as in the case of Mechwarrior Online), is hardly as exciting as to sit down for the helm of “aerocobras” or manage the famous “tiger”.

IN Robocraft Everything is exactly the opposite – the game has no meaningful plot. Red robots are fighting against the blue, trying to capture the enemy base and defending their own, that’s all. Another thing is interesting here: the main feature on which the entire gameplay is based is the opportunity to collect your own robot from available details.

From the very beginning of these very details there are few – there are only a few blocks of various shapes and material, the simplest weapons and wheels. What will be your craft – only you decide, the restriction of only one thing: you need to meet a certain computing power limit – CPU (each installed unit takes some value from the available one), which is growing as the account is “pumped”. Despite this framework, scope for fantasy is almost endless even at the earliest levels. And over time, new types of blocks open: wings, rocket engines, energy shields ..

This is not the end: often it is precisely such “strollers” that bring victory by capturing the base while the enemy is chasing the residues of the team.

You can collect something unimaginable without any hint of symmetry (only because “the artist sees”), accumulated by turrets from all sides, or try to copy some kind of real example of military equipment or in general what will turn into my head-say, a flying house with guns. However, with the latter it will have to be timely – such troubles usually require a large CPU limit, and for this you need to thoroughly “pump”. And it is worth doing this only out of aesthetic motives – as a rule, beautiful robots are rarely successful in terms of combat use.

Of course, the most effective assembly options have long been calculated, but you should not blindly copy these models – why deprive yourself of most of the gameplay? Robocraft It is beautiful that in the garage you can spend no less time than on the battlefields. The situation reminds something Kerbal Space Program: Here, too, you have to experiment a lot, sort out various options until the most suitable game for your style is found. You can make a huge platform with a dozen machine guns for close combat, or you can-a small aircraft with a single gun to punish enemies from afar. It’s funny, but it is precisely because of the variety of models that the regime of observation of the battle after the destruction of their robot is in demand. For beginners, it will never be superfluous to evaluate the design of both teammates and opponents, to draw something valuable for their own models, so do not rush to return to the garage.

One of the latest innovations is a robot store where you can buy a model designed by someone else. In the general opinion – for weaklings. We dare to add – for rich weaklings.

Drain the brick

So far, the game has two modes – in fact, the battle itself, where “pumping” glasses and loans are earned, which are spent on repairing equipment and buying new blocks;and the training arena, on which you can check the robot in action, so that because of the flaws in the design, do not sit in the puddle. Often, one or two of the cube installed in the wrong place can lead to the most sad consequences.

Battles in Robocraft Extremely dynamic are the very “cheerful tank chubilovo”, only without tanks. The reason for this is the small size of the cards, and the high speed of the movement of robots, and you can “disassemble” the enemy quickly. Weapons have not yet spoken by variety: for near and medium -sized battle, laser machine guns are used, of which they usually put them to the maximum. There are plasma guns firing a canopy, and special aesthetes who prefer to destroy the target from the first hit, choose a “Reilgan” – reloading for a long time, but if it gets, then there will not be enough no one.

However, it is advisable to get to the enemy silhouette. Damage is treated relative to each block: the destroyed instantly disappear, and this must also be taken into account when assembling – the wheels should be protected, important modules so that they do not fall off from the robot after the defeat of neighboring blocks. There are many nuances, some of them are not so obvious to the beginner, one rule of “more armor” cannot be dispensed with. For example, you can establish several wheels, the destruction of which will not entail a loss of maneuverability. Let the enemy spend precious seconds, focusing fire on these unnecessary modules in fact.

The process of creating an gun platform is in full swing. The assembly is elementary, almost like in minecraft, for nothing that blocks here are not only cubic shape.

The robot is considered destroyed as soon as the block is destroyed, to which the pilot’s chair is attached. However, quite often it turns out that one successful hit turns the combat -ready at first glance technique into a pile of useless cubes. This is especially common with aircraft – when even a few blocks are lost, the management of the robot turns into a difficult task.

How leisurely the assembly of the new robot model in the garage is, the battle is just as fast and dynamic. A conventional fight takes a couple of minutes even if it is possible to survive to the end-well, if they kill, everything ends even earlier. Maybe there is no place for the thoughtful tactics of simulator battles War Thunder or measured work “Arta” from Wot, but often the outcome of the battle is decided by the assembly workshop. Largely due to this combination of quick battles and a long setting of models of military equipment Robocraft looks very fresh against the background of the mentioned pillars of the genre.

Minimalism in all its glory. Oddly enough, a similar design in this case fully justifies itself, judging by the points scored.

It is still unclear whether there is enough Freejam skill and business grip to bring their creation to the leaders of the online militants genre. But we can unequivocally say that she has the main thing – the desire to work on her brainchild, constantly changing and complementing it, albeit not always the way the players want. Updates are released regularly, errors are corrected (and as usual, new ones are added), yesterday’s “podgy” assemblies become useless, and more and more new techniques are found on the battlefield.

Those who are already tired of tank or aircraft battles from Gaijin And Wargaming And to your liking, to collect your own combat vehicle from the cubes, having experienced it

in a fight with the creations of other designers, you should certainly get acquainted with Robocraft. And you do not need to be afraid of the label of the Early Access – in this case, we have already before us a full -fledged game, albeit not without some scarcity of content.

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